Creation Rationale
Underlying the creation of Sayin Partners Ltd is the conviction that if people with special talents such as artists and innovators are given special attention and get the needed support, surely, individually or through their organizations, they will contribute a lot to the development, to creating more wealth, more opportunities for employment... Indeed, the products of artists and innovators, if they meet the highest standards, can yield a lot of revenues given their potential to access regional and international markets.
We believe with Albert Hirshman that development consists of “mobilizing resources and capacities which are hidden, scattered or inefficiently used”. If the untapped resources can be developed through synergy and partnerships, between for instance academic institutions and innovators at grassroots levels or already in business, the resulting products shall be improved and fulfill the requirements for local and international markets. Sayin Partners Ltd comes in to avail its knowledge and expertise in developing those needed synergies as well as other relevant mechanisms to make an innovative project or business highly successful, highly impactful.
In order to achieve continuous improvement and thus better performance, Sayin Partners Ltd aims to work with individuals and institutions (private, public, civil society ,…) in adopting best practices and in developing innovative approaches. Thus, research, development and innovation are built-in strategies allowing Sayin Partners Ltd to share appropriate capacity development services with people and institutions it synergizes with.