In 2019, Sayin had grown up to its first decade since its incorporation. During the second decade stretching up to 2029, Sayin shall keep sailing towards its mission and vision, consistently building the required capacity in order to harmonize aspirations with realizations.Sayin shall capitalize on gathered experience and lessons learnt during the first decade; it shall put more emphasis on research, innovation and development. envisaged outcome of all the undertakings shall be to come up with tangible solutions, for instance in relation to jobs creation.Building synergies among partner artists, innovators and entrepreneurs and going digital in most of the processes will remain the privileged approach.
Sayin has come up with a Jobs Creation Model (JCM).The development and piloting of the Village level Jobs Creation Model (VJCM) in one urban village and one rural village are set as top priorities for the period 2024-2027.
Jobs Creation Model (JCM)
Village level Jobs Creation Model (VJCM)